It's a great discussion. Frank is excellent.

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This was really a fantastic discussion.

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Aug 7·edited Aug 7Liked by Texas Arcane

Mortimer Adler interviewed on national television circa 1970:


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"We just get sorry zionist a**puppets guiding us into a worse situation than yesterday "

Was it zionists stabbing and raping women in Briton that set off the riots?

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Aug 7·edited Aug 7Author

I was in Britain for three days a long time ago.

Their fat women are filthy whores dressed like streetwalkers who pass out drunk with their legs open in an alleyway at night and are surprised when they get gangraped by a bunch of Rwandans who wandered by and used them like a disposable condom. Once a month, these horrible whores wander into the abortion clinic to have another baby snuffed out by a father they don't even remember. These women have the highest rate of STDs on Earth, you'd be smarter to have your penis taken off and put in a taxidermy. Their mothers left their fathers or their fathers left their mothers, they all abandon the children. They are the most debased bunch of illiterate, stupid people you could imagine existing for the most part. They are British in name only and much closer to the mud people described by the Romans who jumped into the swamp and hid in the marshes when they heard a loud noise that scared them.

This life will never be amenable to such people and such a people can never last long on the earth, God does not permit these monsters to poison his creation for long before he justly removes them off it. If it wasn't Islam then it would be some other group of people, anybody more decent than the British.

As I said, you have woken up five minutes before it all ends and you are going to tell me about how you're a big patriot and even if you used to be some filthy chad in a hoody with a ciggy "not letting these bitches tie me down with no kid," you showed up in time to realize your greatest enemy was never any of these external people. That's not the person who decided to destroy you a long time ago.

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Blaming jews is the beta male take, no different than blacks blaming whitey for all their problems.

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He’s not blaming Jews. He’s blaming you.

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I noticed I wrote all that and he hadn't known what I was talking about.

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Yes, it went right over his head. You were on some kind of high from participating in this podcast and interacting people who could follow a paragraph, and it may have left you feeling you could talk to someone else in such a way. When I read his comment I could only think of Jeff Bridges in the Big Lebowksi: “Yeah, well, that’s just, like, your opinion, man.”

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No I got it, you're just butt hurt I can condense your guys retarded takes in one simple sentence. Less is more dudes.

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If we had not degenerated into slime mold for the most part, the Jews would pose no more social threat to us than a housefly. They appear so dangerous because the Western man has become weak, feebleminded and so frail he barely knows where he is most of the time. Tottering off into the wasteland pushing his Ziff frame like a senile old man, convinced that professional wrestling is a real sport.

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Apparently a couple million strangers wandered into your nation while you were mentally flatlining over the past fifty years watching spectator sports and masturbating to BLACKED porn. Let me know if you need me to fill you in on what has been happening while you were collecting dust in the corner like Rip Van Winkle.

Really good to know you will be awake for the last five minutes when you totally lose your land and are made an outcast on your own soil.

I'd tell you to go and stand with the other British people if it means something to you but since you killed an entire generation with abortion, at least 16 million people in the last half century, it looks like you will be making a final stand on your own.

Tell me about how the jews held a gun to your head and forced you to kill thirty two times the number of British people who died in WW2 but you were too busy watching sports to get involved.

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Thank YOU Good Sir for the sitdown. Sir Frank & Yourself are always welcome to come back, just drop me a DM & we can Inshallah schedule something that works best for everyone! 😊

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