Apr 13, 2023Liked by Texas Arcane

My mind is a bit blown with the snails but then again so much of history is fake from chronology to motivations.

Thanks for the delightful article. Ive now seen Dark City referenced multiple times so I think that the universe is telling me to watch it. I too have a toxic ex-wife and based on somethings I've pondered, I wonder if our meeting wasn't quite coincidental. She tried to destroy every meaningful relationship that I had from parents to childhood friends to family including my daughter and young grandson (the f*ckery didn't stop after the divorce either). I'm fairly new to your work aside from a few vault-co pieces back in the day. I'm excited for more!

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Apr 13, 2023Liked by Texas Arcane

Excellent writing sir! Your style and your information is a breath of fresh air.

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This post reminds me of the Sadhana of Mahamudra. https://archive.org/details/sadhanaofmahamudrachongyamtrungparinpoche_202002/mode/2up

Dark City was also a very influential movie for me. I believed that everyone around me was following one narrative, but then the money gets lost, the audit report gets fudged, a few people fall off the rails and the power structure invents a new narrative and carries on fleecing people. It's a feature of human society when we forget Jesus' message and the messages of the Prophets and Enlightened Ones. Every thread of truth and genuine mutual respect is always very hard earned and easily lost, and our mortal coils are fragile and tiny, candles flickering in the wind. This is what Jesus Christ was trying to tell us and it's only those who pass through the narrow gate who are able to judge the tree by its fruits, and to pass down the wisdom, to protect the weak and the innocent and so forth.

This planet has been at war in this respect for a long time, but the love of the Buddhas, of Mother Earth, of Jesus Christ, of God or Source Consciousness or whatever we choose to call it are vast, beyond all description, and knowing that in our hearts and sharing that with others through thick and thin is the true strength.

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