May 24Liked by Texas Arcane

I sincerely appreciate any help I can get for the Zombie Apocalypse. Times are tough in my small town so I definitely appreciate it when it’s free. I honestly appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. ♥️ 🤗

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May 27Liked by Texas Arcane

Uncle Ragnar books were always worth reading just for his stories as entertainment. The how-to was great as well. I was mentored by Kurt Saxon. The survivor volumes, granddad series and poor man’s James Bond series. The only authorized dealer of Kurt saxons books is a seller on eBay who has all his works on a two dvd-rom set. Around $30 if I remember correctly. I would love to find them all as pdf files. Kurt designed the disks to act as an offline website so it treats each page as a file. Makes printing a pain in the butt.

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May 24Liked by Texas Arcane

Another fine Paladin Press release. I wish I mail ordered these books way back when they were coming out. I would have them if they'd ever appeared in my local bookstores but the most subversive they ever got was the anarchists cook book and the mayhem series by George hayduke. Thanks for posting this, I need to look for more of these!

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