
My relatives are all going in to get their boosters today. I tried to warn them but they just screamed at me. You can only do so much stopping short of physically restraining them from suicide.

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That's the problem with those interested in what's behind the curtain. Most things behind the curtain are long-term or complex (for instance, how to rule over people through religion and marketing) and thus even for relatives this looks completely insane, but then they would also dismiss the most mundane advice.

In certain people it borders on not taking an umbrella when I tell them that the weather report expects rain later in the day.

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Over the last two months, people who never believed me about the vaccine have started getting scared after people around them have started dropping out of season, almost all from either "Covid Complications" or a sudden heart complication.

- Fit man in his 50s, suddenly developed cancer. First it was skin cancer, then they stopped testing it. After that, he had a heart attack. Then he passed away. Not even two months from the cancer diagnosis to death.

- Another guy in his late 40s. Suddenly felt lightheaded and confused one morning. Had enough agency to tell his wife to urgently call an ambulance. He collapsed soon after. When the ambulance arrived ten minutes later, they stated they couldn't carry a corpse to the hospital.

- Old woman in her 70s, had 40% lung function remaining (caught the Koof once). CO2 got a little high, was immediately taken to the ICU. Oxygen mask, colostomy bag, minimal food, etc. "Recovered" in two weeks, was then told to use a bipap machine. Lasted two more weeks, mostly delirious.

- Two other guys in their 50s with sudden heart complications. High blood pressure, erratic pain, etc.

- Couple of women with sudden varicose veins. Not comfortable at all.

- Another guy with random muscle pain.

Now they're more open to admitting that it indeed was the koofvax. People they've known for years dropping dead suddenly was probably what did it. Now I keep telling them to religiously take aspirin and try some ivermectin, and to seriously start watching their diet. And if they can't bring themselves to do this, then to please not take the next vaccine. Most of these people were double boosted.

I went as far as physically restraining people from going to their vaccine appointment. This was back in late 2020 / early 2021. They missed appointments they'd made weeks in advance. I handed them entire printed stacks of news articles about how the vaccine wasn't tested. About how there was a simulation about this very scenario. About how it was likely manufactured in a lab somewhere, and that the cure is likely worse than the disease. They all took it later anyway, this time deciding to not tell me about their appointment. They all had a lot of excuses, about how "it was mandatory" and how getting the vaxx is "required by law".

I got through the restrictions by playing dumb. I modified someone else's "vaccine passport", put my name on it, then made a slightly blurred PDF of it. Then I'd show it to people on my phone, acting surprised at how sh*t my phone is, that the PDF wouldn't even resolve.

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Love the optimism Tex, but I'm afraid an uptick in excess mortality is the good news. If the covaxxed merely died, it would be the greatest eugenic coup in history. Unfortunately, this vaxx is aimed at eliminating humanity, like mosquito eradication. The vaxbloods will breed with the purebloods, ruining their "junk" DNA. That junk DNA is essential to Ascending during our overdue solar micronova. A defenseless humanity will be replaced by Gray colonists even now adapting to Earth conditions, just as Americans replaced Indians.

I suppose there's a chance humanity will rally, track and trace the covaxxed, and quarantine their corrupted bloodlines. How much longer will vaccinated status even be detectable? We'll probably have to settle for producing Jesus Christ, and leave the rest of the glory for the next species to attempt life on fully-unlocked mode.

Anyway, I heard you might be single. 3rd cousin marriage is the way to go; it's like a bunker for your bedroom.


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Why stop at 3rd cousin? You're not trending with those old fashioned hangups about incest. Some people are doing their pets. I can't see this turning out badly, it's going to be fine. People just need more fire and brimstone shielding in their shelters.

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Because a study of Icelandic genealogies showed that 3rd cousin marriage enjoys a fertility advantage, whereas 2nd cousin is neutral and 1st cousin is negative. Genetic compatibility confers advantages such as reduced risk of miscarriage, immune system compatibility, etc. Plus, lower social transaction costs thanks to clan affiliation.

Sounds like you're being flippant without reading it.

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I have to go with scripture and consult the Bible, which always turns out to be right in the end. Inbreeding strongly discouraged.

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Then go read it. The Old Testament is where I got the idea for how to cure the West's atomization, only to have every fool make banjo quips.

Sucking water down your neck is also "strongly discouraged" *on average*, because aspirating water kills in minutes, whereas dehydration kills in days. Similarly, the Bible "strongly discourages" near-breeding on average, since inbreeding is illegal and kin-breeding is strongly encouraged. Inbred children suffer birth defects faster than outbred societies disintegrate from atomization.

Incest is not "strongly discouraged" by Leviticus, it's a *capital crime*. The modern definition of "consanguinity" is 2nd cousin marriage. Even in an extremely homogeneous population such as Icelanders, kin-breeding benefits peak at 3rd cousin and continue through 4th cousin.

The average Briton has 175 3rd cousins, 1,570 4th cousins, and 17,300 5th cousins. 4th cousin and beyond is synonymous with tribe. Kin-breeding within clan and tribe was the *foundation* of Old Testament society. It is how Abraham selected Rebecca for Isaac, and how Jacob earned Rachel. You chose Esau's path; look how that worked out for you.

If you're skittish about 3rd cousin, 4th cousin is also beneficial, albeit less so.

I have added your objections to the Gitlab master version of my 3rd cousin marriage thesis; this is a permalink to the latest commit:


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No way dude. I lived in an area where they did that and those suckers could see through a keyhole with both eyes.

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That is 1st cousin marriage. Innumerate people should remain celibate.

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Turkish people are the most inbred race of men on earth. One of the lowest IQs as well in the developed nations. They were too lazy to go out and get dates for about 2000 years, it hasn't worked out well for them. Formerly the "Scythians" cautioned against their judgement in the Bible. Looks like the Bible was right and mankind got it wrong, as usual. Also polygamous as is being advocated by white nationalists. Literally greased rails to the bottom of the gene pool.

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Pakistan has the highest rate of cousin marriage today. It is far more conanguinius than Turkey.



Condemning 1-2nd cousin marriage fails to contradict my thesis that 3-4th cousin marriage is optimal; it agrees with it. Perhaps you should retest your IQ to account for the effects of age.

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Nov 9, 2023·edited Nov 9, 2023Author

Have you met anyone from Pakistan? I knew a very pretty, very intelligent girl from Pakistan who told me they are rife with psychopathy and all kinds of idiocy from cousin marriage in Pakistan. She seemed an exception but members of her family made it clear they were pretty aberrant.

I understand your thesis but I have too much eyes-on to trust it. It's never a good thing. It's funny because it is ubiquitous amongst beanie babies and many of them are disintegrating in real-time while you watch. That's not to say that interracial mixing at the opposite end of the spectrum is a good thing. I think you don't get hybrid vigor until you're a couple family trees away. Your average mutt is always a more robust dog in any setting. Probability math shows that the best genes live on but the bad ones tend to be self-suppressing. Attempting to breed so narrow you are always doing your cousin is contradicted by too much evidence to the contrary. Was that study you linked to done in Israel? They have done a lot of studies there trying to prove its not such a bad thing.

All the countries with the least evidence of any advancement of any kind the past two thousand years are all countries high in family orgies and not leaving the house to find mates. These countries have so little distinction in any regard it would seem your kissing cousins hypothesis may be flawed.

It's no accident that the most advanced, accomplished nation on earth has one of the lowest rates of inbreeding. It is also ironic that the passport bros headed in a beeline to the Phillipines for wives, a nation with the second lowest rate of interbreeding. Shouldn't the sheer number of supermen emerging from your 3rd-4th cousin eugenics unions in a nation that does not frown on all cousin marriage show up as all kinds of remarkable achievement?

Take a walk through an Orthodox neighborhood in Brooklyn. They are big on 3rd-4th, it is rabbinical sanctioned. Yet the streets are filled with babbling idiots talking to the sky.

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The study was done in Iceland. Since you don't know this, you obviously still haven't read the thesis. No amount of babbling about American greatness or consanguineous retards will improve your relevance until you do. I get better responses on Reddit from a homeless woman, privately because the unthinking masses all pile on. But the genie is out of the bottle; the post on r/effectivealtruism has 33 shares and positive subreddit karma. So it doesn't matter if Boomers are too slow to learn new tricks.


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