Apr 21, 2023Liked by Texas Arcane

Why isn't the Deagle forecast considered an instrument of 5th gen warfare?

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Touche. Maybe it is. I was thinking about this when I wrote the post. It fits in with general revelation of the method where they tell you they are going to kill you to scare you to death.

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Point of order -- nations are a people with a common heritage and culture. It isn't a nation vs its own people -- it is states vs their own nations.

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Except the States are owned by George Soros and the majority of the population has no national identity or patriotism or pride in their own heritage. I'm sure it could be worse somehow and when I think of how that could be I will be sure to tell you.

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That's my point. The states are NOT composed of the nations they claim they rule over.

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Two biggest pieces to the puzzle that are missing:

1) there is no such thing as AGI, just weaponised AI that's ever more destructive.

2) follow the money, specifically the drug money. 5th gen warfare is primarily racketeering in some form, which means it makes its own money to fund itself. Mike Gill (StateOfCorruption) has the whole Pandora Papers and Fentanyl trust fund money cartel by the balls. I disagree that the Maxine in the main component, it's the opiods (including Oxycontin and Actiq Lollipops) and the meth (including Adderall and Ritalin) and the downers (including Xanax). Unless the cartel had taken out life insurance policies on civilians on over the counter markets which can't really be secured anyway, the most profitable way to kill people is with addictive drugs, preferably paid for with Medicare and such, underwritten by the government. That Trump is protecting Boomers and their scam that's exsanguinating and peddling drugs to kids, is not talking about the money laundry beyond Biden, who is and always has been a hack and a stooge, while also not going full tilt against the Maxine are three very sus things that make me believe people like Chris Sununu are leveraging him, and that the CCP are using political dynamics such as this to leverage the extortion racket going on between the Boomer politicians to further destroy the youth. And none of the Alex Joneses or any of these people get into that side of the business because it treads on the toes of Roger Stone, Steve Pieczenik and people like that.

It's not the LGBTQ+ zombie hordes, it's not aliens in underground bases, it's respectable men in suits with spreadsheets, risk matrices, acceptable margins of error, sales projections, liability management departments employing both lawyers and former military personnel, strategic political donation budgets and policies and so forth.

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If Deagle was right, maybe we should just переехать в Россию? According to him, they come out of this smiling. And they're antivax on steroids.

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No they're not antivax. Russia had vaxx mandates and Digital IDs being pushed during the scamdemic. Edward Slavsquat has been all over this.

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I have friends in Russia, including a doctor, who tells me there were vastly more vax IDs than injections. The breeding population is intact. Russians mistrust government more than foreigners realise. Russia is antivax, even if her greasy elite isn’t.

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Russians did avoid Sputnik but what are the chances the oligarchs get tossed out? The same agenda running in the West is running in Russia just minus the trannies and child groomers.

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Damn not being to edit in the app.

I'm not disagreeing with you at all but rsther pointing out that the current Russian government is down with the Agenda. Being there will likely be fortuitous as opposed to the US which faces many futures and few of them pleasant. One will just have to deal some of the Globohomo crap. Better alive than glowing.

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The scariest thing of all you can know about the modern world is that both Russia and China are both fake opposition. The real target is the population, not nations. Along with the nations it is the people they want to get rid of. No "good guys" are coming to the rescue, it's individuals who are so far outgunned they can't even imagine. I hope to just even up the odds soon for those individuals who can't afford armies of people to help them, they need automation. The elites have people who manage all this stuff for them ... their preps, their food, their water, their power. The individual is supposed to somehow do same while he tries to make a living.

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Is the Orthodox Christian revival in Russia fake? Traditional Orthodoxy is very conservative.

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