You may have a typo in there, crowbar -according to the link you provided- was supposed to fly at 3 times sound.

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That was our design then nearly 50 years ago. Been substantially improved upon since as demonstrated in Russian and Chinese tests. Become obvious that Russia and China are secret allies because of how much stolen tech they share between them. At the same time, US has no hypersonic drone program of its own. Hard to imagine a worse situation.

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"... they decided to deploy it in a series of tests used to explore its reliability called Operation Fishbowl … a name that in itself basically gives away the game right away. " - This is a hard pill to swallow.

Watching how so much is planned decades in advance, what makes you believe the name to represent more than just an idea for the curious to find later? Which of course, once found would cause great disharmony regardless of truthfulness, which is what we are seeing.

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I know that if we'd ever been beyond the troposphere they'd have no need to spend huge sums faking it and no reason to have rockets pull a hard right and head out towards the ocean. Don't know what's up there exactly and neither do they. That's why they thought they'd do a few experiments to see if it could be breached or damaged.

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