Gangrape Your Way To A Better Gene Pool

It’s impossible and that’s why the Neanderthals Had The Last Laugh

The genes of Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon people are utterly incompatible. As an enthusiastic layman in anthropology and biology, I know that two sufficiently disparate genetic strains will always create a chimera who is incapable of reconciling the conflict in themselves, be it birds, bonobos or beavers.

Mixing RH- blood with RH+ blood leads to birth defects, miscarriages and bleeding disorders in pregnant women. That’s the least of what it does. Many rebel genetic researchers attribute all mankind’s birth defects primarily to the discordance between Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon genes. It’s almost like somebody put in failsafes to make sure they would never breed together … and Cro-Magnons raped so many Neanderthal women that the small subset of surviving offspring managed to overcome the RH- blood loss problem in successive generations. What was left was a very unstable mixture analogous to an attempt to blend oil and water together. They never really merge together and tend to settle out into the same dichotomy no matter what.

Modern warfare has been fueled by two of mankind’s qualities that seem to resist all attempts to reason or domesticate them out : the raging mindless aggression of Cro-Magnons and the inventiveness of Neanderthals in giving them bigger and better weapons with their innovative problem solving abilities. The military advances will be used by the Cro-Magnons on their fellows wherever they wish to hurt somebody (and they always have a list of such people) but these improvements in delivery systems are largely the product of centuries of technological advances that stem directly from Neanderthal brains. It’s a Catch-22 because of two incorrigible qualities present in both gene pools.

  1. The Cro-Magnons kill people because it is the only problem solving they understand and the closest thing they have to executive agency

  2. The Neanderthals will always be recruited to invent better ways of doing just that and it is unlikely they will ever lose enthusiasm in creating more efficient ways of accomplishing it

The two species together in the same DNA strand are a ship of fools that will always be looking for another iceberg to crash into.

It all started when the Cro-Magnons captured Neanderthal women and began to gang-rape them as war brides and concubines. Nothing much has changed in 40,000 years and it never will in my estimation. Mankind is a flawed product that never passed through user testing or a Q&A to iron out their flaws.

The Earth Mother Venus is the single most dominant archetype of the Paleolithic and there is a reason why they began to appear all over Europe around 40,000 years ago.